Having reliable running water throughout your home is a modern luxury many take for granted every day. If your home is heated by a system of radiators, they also rely of the steady supply of water throughout your home as well.
No matter where you live, your home could be susceptible to pipes freezing. Areas with low temperatures are obviously more at risk, but as we’ve seen all too frequently in the past few years, warmer climates can also be hit by winter storms.
When the environment your pipes are in get below freezing, they can end up partially or freezing completely through, cutting off your supply of water and causing major water pressure behind the frozen segment. When this happens, pipes can burst, resulting is hundreds of gallons of water being sprayed around your home. The pipe repair can be expensive, but the water damage resulting from the burst could cost you and your family thousands.
There any many ways to prevent this from happening to you and your loved ones if you are prepared ahead of time. Having an action plan and some common supplies on hand could end up saving you time and money in the future.
It is crucial that all adult members of your family know where the water turn off valves and main waterlines are in your home. By reacting quickly to a pipe burst and turning off the water, you could save gallons of water and hundreds of dollars in costly repairs.
It is important to insulate your pipes if they are going to be in a cold area. Many retailers sell these materials that can slip easily over the pipes in your home. This will ensure that the temperature of your pipes is not as easily impacted by the change in temperature around them
If you are going to be away from your home for a longer period of time, make sure your heat is set to keep the house above freezing. Many people consider it wasteful to heat a home or building that no one is in, but it could save you more money in the long run. If you are leaving your house for vacation or going home after a weekend at your cabin, make sure you keep your heat set to an appropriate temperature.
Another excellent way to prevent freezing in your pipes is to make sure you keep water running through the pipes consistently. This way, water doesn’t have the chance to sit and freeze. This is a great option to consider if you know you won’t be able to keep your pipes warm during a power outage or storm. Turn on a faucet or two in your home to a low trickle to keep water flowing and prevent a large freezing incident in your pipes.
If you do find yourself in a situation where you lose power or heat due to a storm or other outage, empty the water lines to prevent the water from freezing. This may seem like a waste of water, but it could actually end up saving quite a bit. When doing this in preparation for a storm, make sure you fill up multiple receptacles around you house with fresh water you can drink and cook with. Pots, pans, buckers, pitchers, Tupperware, and even bathtubs can be a great way to keep this water clean without wasting any resources.
Unfortunately, burst pipes can happen to any household for a number of different reasons. In the winter or during winter storms, households are more likely to experience this issue. By knowing your home’s water system, preparing a plan ahead of time, and knowing what to do incase of an emergency, your family can be ready to counteract the consequences of a burst pipe quickly.
If a pipe bursts in your home, you may want to call a professional to make sure it is patched or replaced appropriately. You may also need to contact a water damage restoration provider to make sure the water that left the systems doesn’t leave lasting mold or structural damage.